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Frequently Asked Questions
Check out these answers to common questions and go to Help Centre for more details.
When should I start looking for Northampton student accommodation?
It is always recommended to start looking at the soonest chance, this will give you a background of the prices, locations, rooms and buildings available.
When should I book my accommodation for the September intake?
For September intake, it is recommended to start looking six months before you intend to move in, this will be between January and march.
Are there short-term stays in Northampton?
Some providers offer short-term stays in Northampton. To check for short term durations you can check our website which offers availabilities, then refer back to our accommodation expert to confirm the availability of the selected dates.
How much rent does a student pay for accommodation in Northampton?
The average weekly cost for student homes in Northampton can range between 82£ to 178£, rates are subject to change. This depends on the provider and how early you start looking for accomodation.
How do I pay for my student room in Northampton?
You can make the payment via several transactional modes, including net banking or through your debit card. We also have our own payment portal at Casita, where we can assist you with the entire payment process.
عرض المزيد Questions (20)