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5 Ways to De-Stress as a University Student

Tips and Advice

26 April, 2021


2 mins read

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By Radwa Ragab

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5 Ways to De-Stress as a University Student

Tips and Advice

26 April, 2021


2 mins read

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By Radwa Ragab

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According to a students’ survey conducted by the American College Health Association in 2006, “academic stress is the primary health barrier for college students.” Worrying about the future, having a poor life-work balance, and leaving family and friends, are serious stress factors that affect students. Is there a way to avoid these factors, though? Of course, there is! Unlike what you might think, stress is easy to beat if you know the right formula!

5 Ways to Relieve Stress as an International Student

Stress is not always a bad feeling. Sometimes it can motivate you and help you prosper and overcome challenges. All you need to do is think positively. Here is how to combat your academic stress. 

1. Relax and Mediate

When your body is free of tension, your mind relaxes. Meditation helps your body relax and absorb the positive energy around it. Listen to nature sounds and meditate, or if you are new to the field, try applying for online guided mediation sessions. Interested in an online course? Check out “Mindful Meditation with Deepak Chopra”, a course led by a certified expert in the field. 

2. Practice Self-Care

A great way to De-stress is to get some “me time” when you can practice a hobby, read, watch TV or even sleep. Search for an uplifting activity that you can call “ Yours” and establish a self-care routine right before the academic year. If you are not sure which activity fits you best, explore some of our recommended student activities. 

3. Express Yourself

Talk it, write it, or even scream it. Don’t let negative emotions pile up and stress you out. Discuss your stress reasons with your university counsellor, or even write them down. It is always better to take it up a notch and plan to eradicate your stress. Maybe you need to organise your time better, or maybe you need to change your study routine, whatever it is, set an action plan and test it out.   

4. Don't Avoid! Approach. 

University life is complicated, and many students deal with stress by running away (skipping a class or two).  If you are one of these people, you have to learn to face your stress.  Ask people to help you out. Try to email a professor for advice if you struggle in a lecture or introduce yourself to someone in the dining room if you feel alone. 

5. Laugh

Jokes, puns, and anything similar are one way to get positive energy to your world. Watch a sitcom episode when things are hard, or maybe ask a couple of friends to send you funny memes and jokes whenever possible. It doesn’t take much time for a joke to affect your mood. Smile, go out, and laugh! Don’t forget, “ A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.”

Finally, don't forget about your family, they can also help you and give you some precious advice. 

PS: Did you know that stress affects your mental health? Read our mental health tips and tricks for an overview of the best way to stay mentally healthy. 

Tips and Advice

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By Radwa Ragab

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Tips and Advice

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By Radwa Ragab

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