Parents Guide to Students Studying Abroad
Tips and Advice
3 mins read

Updated at: 16 December, 2024
Published at: 15 June, 2022
By Passant Mohamed
Parents Guide to Students Studying Abroad
Tips and Advice
3 mins read

Updated at: 16 December, 2024
Published at: 15 June, 2022
By Passant Mohamed
Whether it was your idea or your child’s idea, studying abroad is one of the best things your child can do. However, you’re worried about your child’s safety and the whole process of living in another city or another continent. First of all, supporting your child in taking this decision and going on with the process is the first step. Also, there are several ways you can make sure your child is going to a safe place; so we are here to help you and provide you with some advice for all parents out there. This is a simple parent guide to students studying abroad.
First and foremost, help your child with the research process, start with searching about the chosen school or university, the city, the neighbourhood, the student house, the lifestyle in the city, the culture, and everything in-between. Your child might be a little lost so help them know more about where they are going. Knowing about the customs and traditions, the transportation, the weather there, and even the food is super helpful and will ease your child’s overall journey. Also, check this article about some of the things your parents wish you knew about studying abroad.
Planning is a key factor for you and your child in the process of travelling and studying abroad. This might be the first time your child becomes responsible for shopping for groceries, paying bills, and the hustle of staying on a budget. Therefore, assure your child that it’s not an impossible mission and just teach them how to wisely spend the money they have. Additionally, help your kid with time management and try to suggest making schedules. Also, remind them to have a little time for themselves and for roaming around the city they’re in, after all, almost half of the benefits of studying abroad is being in a new city and fully exploring it.
Without a doubt, travelling requires a lot of paperwork to do, documents to get, and forms to fill. Try to remind your child of the required documents and help them with getting the documents done. Of course, your child should have a passport, which is a process that might take around eight weeks. Applying for a student visa can be done at the country’s embassy easily if your child has their passport and the acceptance letter from the chosen educational institution. Making extra copies of every document your child has is sometimes required, as in some cases the documents should be submitted to different places.
Student Accommodation:
Here comes a crucial part: where is your child going to live? Finding a student accommodation for your child can be a bit of a hustle and bustle. Where is the place? Is the accommodation safe? How is the landlord gonna treat my kid? Is the place clean? Is the neighbourhood friendly for students? What about the bills, the cleaning and catering services, and the security? Well, we can take the lead here and provide you with accommodation that has all what your child can need. With Casita, you can pick accommodation and make sure it has all the features you and your child need. Starting with amenities like beds, tables, kitchen areas, and en-suites, as well as moving to larger features like security, bills, catering, cleaning, parking, and many more. You can check it all on our website easily. Read more about why parents trust Casita.
A crucial part that many parents forget about is communication. In this critical time of moving out and travelling alone to a whole new country, your child needs emotional support as well. Talk to your child about every concern he or she may have, assure them they are up to it, and discuss the possible scenarios with them. Your child might feel unsure or hesitant, that’s the part when you should calm them down and give them a boost of confidence in themselves.
A related point to communication is trust; trusting your child is the main key. If you trust your child, he or she will be able to trust themselves. Give them a safe space to be responsible and take actions on their own. Support them but without controlling them. Give your advice only, let them decide which is better for them.
In conclusion, search well, help your kid to have everything planned and prepared, and support your child, not just in terms of money, but emotionally as well. Studying abroad will develop your child’s mentality and personality on so many levels. So, good luck to both of you.
Tips and Advice
By Passant Mohamed
Tips and Advice
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By Passant Mohamed