UK: The Tef Goes to The University of Law
By Ola Elwassify
20 September, 2017

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By Ola Elwassify
UK: The Tef Goes to The University of Law
By Ola Elwassify
20 September, 2017

The teaching excellence framework's (Tef) gold ranking has been awarded to the University of Law (ULaw). The Tef panel aims at considering exceptional learning and teaching methodologies and it claims that ULaw “delivers consistently outstanding teaching, learning and outcomes for its students. It is of the highest quality found in the UK”.
There are some factors that made ULaw outgrow remarkably, as the Tef stated, such as, the solid connections with employers and the legal profession; course outline and practices that fully prepares students to the professional firm; supporting customized development opportunities; and the embedded professional practices with the academic staff.
The vice-chancellor and chief executive at The University of Law, Professor Andrea Nollent, said:
“Our students are smart and ambitious and rightly demand the highest standard of teaching, so we are delighted to receive the Tef gold standard. The award is testament to our tutors, all of whom are qualified solicitors or barristers, together with our teaching approach, which focuses on equipping our graduates with the skills they need and employers want. This award builds on our success of last year, when we were voted joint-first for student satisfaction, teaching, academic support and learning resources in the National Student Survey 2016.”
ULaw’s courses include undergraduate, international, postgraduate, and professional development, and all of these courses come with full employability to kickstart students' career in law.