Swords Location
The distance from Swords to Dublin is 14 km. As you can see, it is very close and you can drive to Dublin to be there in only 25 minutes. If you don’t have a car, you can take a 40-minute bus ride. Swords is also located around three kilometres away from Dublin Airport.
Swords Climate
Weather and Temperature
In Swords, you are going to have comfortable summers with no stroking heats and then you’ll have long, super cold winters with rain pouring 24/7. The whole year is windy and cloudy, so you might want to say your last goodbyes to the sun as it is a bit rare in Swords. Overall, the warmest month is July with an average temperature of 59.0°F (15°C) and the coldest month is January with an average temperature of 39.0°F (3.9°C).
What to Pack and Swords Local Timing
Pack your clothes warm and cosy as you will probably wear them all year long. You won’t need any light clothing options at all, but pack a few just in case. The most important thing is an umbrella and if you have some waterproofs, bring them all! A pair of rain boots to complete your outfit will be quite the choice. GMT+1 is the local timing, don’t forget to keep it in mind when booking your travels and student accommodation in Swords.
Is Swords Rural or Urban?
Sword is a large suburban town on the Northside of Dublin. It is ten kilometres from the north of the city centre, and it is lying all along the Ward River with a population of 42,738 people in a 3,765/km2 density.
What are Some Must-Visit Places in Swords?
Best Places to eat in Swords
You can go on a food journey around the world in Swords, as its famous restaurants vary from Indian, Thai, and Italian. Indie Spice Grill is the perfect destination for having the finest Indian recipes with ingredients used locally to create an authentic experience. Pink Elephant with the greatest staff ever, and a collection of the best Thai cuisine. One local restaurant option would be Mastersons Steakhouse & Wine Bar, with huge steaks served just for you and lots of other seafood and Italian food options for non-steak lovers.
Transportation In Swords
To travel across every region of Swords, You will use Dart rail, bus, ferry, and air jets. All are available. For the bus, we recommend Airlink Express Route 747 & Route 757 but you should not consider it if you have lots of luggage. Maybe consider an air jet or an exciting ferry ride.
Other Student Accommodation In Ireland
Besides having facilities for student accommodation in Swords, Casita offers student accommodation in these cities in Ireland:
Blackrock, Carrick-on-Shannon, Cork, Drogheda, Dublin, Dún Laoghaire, Gaillimh, Galway, Raphoe