If you are looking for Yoobee School of Design student accommodation, you have come to the right place. Casita has the best accommodation options near the Yoobee School of Design. We offer single rooms, shared rooms, en-suites, and other various options. All the required facilities and amenities are available in our accommodation options. Choose your Yoobee School of Design student hall with the help of our support team.
Why Study at the Yoobee School of Design?
Yoobee School of Design has been one of the leading schools in its speciality in New Zealand for over 20 years. At Yoobee Faculty of Design, students will be working with top professionals from the world of graphic design, digital design, fashion, and makeup artistry industries. The college offers students a learning environment in which they get to practice their knowledge and create art. The school’s programmes enable students to be involved right from the start. It allows students to develop their own skills in an engaging environment and put them to work on real projects, working with the latest hardware and software, and learning skills that will be in demand today - and in the future.
Departments and Divisions
Yoobee School of Design offers certificates in creative media by which students get to study design, animation, and film. The school also offers diplomas in web and UX design and in creative digital design. Also, there are other diplomas offered in fields like creative marketing, and digital innovation.
Facilities and Resources
The school is equipped with the latest tech and equipment you need to succeed. It also has student spaces where you can connect with your peers. You can find all the modern tools you need to be a graphic designer, web designer, and more. Small class size is guaranteed when you study at Yoobee School of Design. Spacious areas for practicing and engaging with other students are available within the campus. Also, there are labs, studios, theatres, and more.
Nearby Universities
There are some other colleges and universities located nearby the Yoobee School of Design such as The University of Auckland, University of Otago, and New Zealand Management Academy.