About the University of Greenwich - Medway Campus
University of Greenwich - Medway Campus distance from the City Centre:
University of Greenwich - Medway Campus has on-campus student accommodation options with an average rent of £3,500/semester. The rent of the room includes electricity, water, gas, Wi-Fi, maintenance, and security.
University of Greenwich - Medway Campus follows a three-semester academic year system. Each semester has around 12 weeks.
The best month to book a Greenwich Medway campus accommodation after the university offer to study is accepted is in March. Accommodation applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis, which generally start with:
Other Campuses of the University of Greenwich - Medway
University of Greenwich - Medway Campus Off-Campus Student Housing Options
PBSAs and Private Lets are the most popular off-campus student accommodation in Medway. These are a little more expensive than on-campus student rooms but offer additional benefits such as flexible contract length, flexible move-in dates, independent social life, modern amenities along with room rent, electricity, water, gas, Wi-Fi, maintenance, and security included in bills. The only differences are:
Purpose-built student accommodation: Average rent £850/month
Private Student Houses (Private Lets) with an average price of £900/month
Secure a Private Student Room Near the University of Greenwich - Medway Without a University Offer Letter
Unite Students accept advance bookings for a limited number of rooms for such students with cancellation and refund provisions. T&C is applied according to the provider. We suggest checking our cancellation and refund policies before booking a room or speaking with our multilingual student housing experts.
Popular Student Areas to Live Near the University of Greenwich
Chatham’s average rent is around £200/week i.e (£800/month). It’s a five-minute walk from campus. Some accommodation options close to campus include Pier Quays.
2. Rochester
Rochester’s average rent is around £250/week i.e (£1000/month). It’s a 15-minute walk from campus. Some accommodation options close to campus include Pier Quays.
3. Gillingham
Gillingham’s average rent is around £300/week i.e (£1200/month). It’s a 15-minute walk from campus. Some accommodation options close to campus include Pier Quays.
Benefits of Booking Off-Campus Student Rooms Over On-Campus Accommodation
Early bird offer (Off-campus student accommodations generally give discounts or offers on early booking.)
Unlike university accommodation, there are many student room types to choose from.
No offer, no visa, no problem! Easy cancellation process.
Avoid expensive last-minute private student accommodation bookings.
Stay with your friend or partner despite being enrolled in different universities in the city.
More privacy because on-campus accommodations usually have shared facilities and common areas.
Off-campus and private facilities generally have modern facilities such as gyms, cinemas, and game rooms.