(3) Options
Crewe Street, 切斯特, CH1 3DA
24 mins 公共交通车程 University of Law - Chester
Wharf View, 切斯特 CH1 4GX
31 mins 公共交通车程 University of Law - Chester
Norroy House, Nuns Road, 切斯特, CH1 2LJ
50 mins 公共交通车程 University of Law - Chester
Frequently Asked Questions
Check out these answers to common questions and go to Help Centre for more details.
How many campuses does the University of Law have?
The University of Law has around 17 different locations across the UK as well as in Berlin and Hong Kong.
Are there online courses at the University of Law - Chester?
Yes, the university provides online courses.
What is the acceptance rate at the University of Law - Chester?
The university has a pretty high acceptance rate, thus allowing more students to get in successfully.
Does the University of Law - Chester offer scholarships for international students?
Yes, scholarships and bursaries are provided to international students.
How many international students are at the University of Law - Chester?
A respectable number of international students attend the university.
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